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Climate crisis needs empowered people

"People power is at the heart of the effort to beat climate change, says Professor Jacqueline McGlade, head of the European Environment Agency. In this week's Green Room, she says that the task is so great, and the timescale so...

Category: Climate Change


UK 'eyes' to hunt for other Earths

"The telescope Nasa is preparing for launch next month won't reveal if there is intelligent life in the Universe, but it should at least provide concrete evidence that there are places like Earth for ET to live."

Category: Space


Eyewitnesses across the US see space debris falling from the sky

"Wreckage was seen falling from the sky as far apart as New Mexico, Texas and Kentucky yesterday, with some eyewitnesses even reporting sightings of a fireball blazing across the sky."

Category: Space


Nuclear power: 10-year-old Sellafield plant may be closed

"• £470m reprocessor has never performed properly • Shutdown would raise plutonium storage issue"

Category: Energy sources


Race for 'God particle' heats up

"Europe's particle physics lab, Cern, is losing ground rapidly in the race to discover the elusive Higgs boson, or "God particle", its US rival claims."

Category: Big Science

Displaying results 1441 to 1445 out of 2977